Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Have a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Silly kids

Ok I was checking out Isabels blog a coulpe days ago and heard the song "baby it's cold out side". I really like this song have ever since "Elf" so I decided to look for it for my space and ran accross this on you tube.

Then just out of curisoty I found this.

They crack me up!
I never did get my myspace changed! LOL

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The flu

The FLU got the FLU the whole damn lot of us! I feel as though I've been cleaning for the last 5 years! we're starting to feel better. D_baby went back to school today and I think honey and I will go back to work tomorrow. I'm at the point were I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!
Wish me luck on getting back to work tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Haven't written in a while because I've been extremely busy. Mostly studying and the whole running after the kids thing. So here I am to tell you alot of nothing!

I passed my science exam. I am extremely elated about this I thought for sure I'd fail then my life would crumble around me.NOPE I passed. Now all I have to do is pass the registry exam! I'm scared but I can do it!

On a simpler note thanksgiving was great.We went to my moms house and all of my moms kids where there it was great to be together again it seems like forever since that's happened. Us girls went shopping on the day after thanksgiving we had so much fun and are already talking about doing it next year. Which is funny cuz my mom and sister both said they weren't going to do it again. But that was closer to 3:30 AM
At about 10:00 all four of the girls were smiling and having a great time. we took my moms REALLY small car to go shopping and ended up a little closer than we all wanted to be. But we had fun and it gave us a chance to get to know Sam (My brothers pregnant girlfriend). Let me just say I love her and that she fits in prefect with our family.

We all went and cut down my moms Christmas tree. We had a blast. The place was great! I had never "cut down the tree before" we always go the local place and just pick out a precut one. We will definitely be doing that again. What a great weekend!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Random things about me

3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? No, it's very sloppy.
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Yep. A boy and a girl.
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM A Lot? Not a lot but some days.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Not a chance in hell too much of a chicken. Afraid the cord will snap.
15. RED OR PINK? Pink
16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? my weight of course I wanna be skinny and uber sexy one day!
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? There's this one girl that lives in Cali that I haven't seen in FOREVER I miss her a whole bunch!! I also miss my fam and friends in S.D.
20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Chicken taco from Elbees yum!
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Cartoons in the back ground
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? Fresh Cut Grass and Lilacs. ditto
25. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? Yep shes one of my best friends.
26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Little league Football.
27. HAIR COLOR? Brown.
28. EYE COLOR? Again with the boring brown.
29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Some days but more often than not my glasses.
30 FAVORITE FOOD? Probably roast beast.
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? A scary movie that ends happily. Ditto at least one person has to get away!
34. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer. I don't much care for the cold!
36. FAVORITE DESSERT? There are too many to chose from to just pick one!
39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Nothing, For enjoyment anyway.
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Conagra frozen foods, now that you ask I have no Idea where it came from either.
41. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV.Last LAST NIGHT? Movies: Evan almighty and Surfs up.
42. FAVORITE SOUND? The kids laughing, always makes me smile.
43. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? Beatles all the way! ditto
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Not really. I can decorate cake but it's more of a hobby than a talent.
46. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Deadwood S.D.

Please play if you want.

Monday, October 1, 2007

This and that

I've been pretty busy lately.
D_baby has started cheer leading again this year. We all have a good time going to the games.

Honey took me out to see the houses ( he works for a company that builds custom homes) a couple weeks ago. Here's a couple pictures.

I'm still looking for a house I just haven't found the "perfect" one. It has to be out there some where!

Some of our best friends got married last weekend. Just a small wedding though it was beautiful. The reception was at the casino the next night. A good time was had by all. There was a really good band called rough cut. My husband had WAY too much to drink and spent most of the night dancing! As did the bride! We didn't get home till about 3:30. After the bar closed we went to the casino. Just glutton for punishment.

I got the kids pictures taken this week and was pretty happy with the turn out. I was extremely worried about the monster beings he doesn't like to sit in one place for more than 5 seconds at a time, but they did really good and used it to their advantage.

What have all of you been up to?


Last night my daughter asks the monster if he wants a vitamin (they are allowed one a day) they're flinstone chewable gummies The monster loves them so naturally walks in behind her to get one. She gladly forks it over and he says : " more, more please"
D_baby: "no no more" I explained to her earlier in the week that more than one a day could make him AND her sick so ONLY ONE A DAY
the monster: "Please more"
D_baby : "no if I give you more it's illegal!"
The monster then turns to honey and I and says "more illegal please."
I Tell him "No more VITAMINS you can only have ONE a day."
Honey is in the chair giggling

Cut to this afternoon D_baby is again getting down the vitamins and The monster runs over and gets one. Then runs up to my husband and says "look daddy more got more illegal"

I have a feeling this one is going to give me a run for my money!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Blah, crazy stories

Today is dreary and I feel this way. Just one of those days. I should go home cuz work is boring. Not a lot going on but I have to stay cuz I'm the late shift person!(even though I had to come in early today) Good Gawd listen to me wine. YES I WANT CHEESE TOO. Only 3 more hours to go!

Had a good weekend. On Saturday my friend and I had a bridal shower for another friend. It was quite fun not tooo goofy though. We had the guests answer questions about the bride, make penises out of play dough, and make the bride a wedding dress out of garbage bags.

Saturday evening D_baby had a pep rally Honey took her cuz I was finishing up with the shower. By the time I got there D-babys' team had already gone. Damn I suck. We stayed and watched the rest of the teams then went home.

We had some friends over which really isn't anything new they usually appear at least once during the weekend. It's so nice to have another couple to do things with even if it's just sitting in the yard bullshitting. They also have two children 11 and 9
Both boys and our kids get along great! we were sitting out in the lawn and "honey decides to tell them about the "haunted house" up the hill. Its not really haunted I'm even sure people live there but the kids about die sitting on the edge of there seats every time he speaks. So before I know it They're all going up there " the 2 men the 2 boys and D_baby" The monster was so disappointed he didn't get to go but hes "too little" About 20 minutes later the whole lot of them come running out of the woods screaming freaked out cuz they "saw something" which I'm about one hundred percent sure was "nothing" Larry swears to me (while winking out of one eye so the kids can't see) that he saw someone and it wasn't good.
Now lets discuss this a little cuz really my husband embellishes ALOT the children love it now don't get me wrong the basis of the story is correct just not the ALL the details. For example we went hunting for frogs once and there were a Whole bunch of them dead. The mud was really deep and I got stuck honey had to get me out I lost BOTH my shoes in the mud and I had mud up to knees and it was alot of fun. Now here is where Honey would tell the kids that the mud caused us to have boils on our legs and that puss ran from them for days! I know pretty gross but they eat the shit up. The crazier the better!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I applied for a preapproval home loan today and I have that icky feeling in my stomach like my world is about to crash. I'm sure it's because no one in their right mind would give me money for a home loan. BUT I WANT ONE SO BAD. I've looked at dozens on the internet and a few actual homes. I haven't found one I love yet but know what I'll get approved for either.

I've been SO careful over the past year not to do ANYTHING bad to my credit or Honeys
but some how don't think this will help. I've also made it better IE paid off all credit cards and cars.

I wonder if the intrest rate will be to high or if we'll have enough money or if oh shit. I worry way to much!

Wish me luck!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Just to bitch a little

So yesterday (Thursday) I worked late. I was about ten minutes (3:50)from leaving and crazy train called and said there was a PT in the ER. I told him I had to run and get the tags for honeys car and then I'd be back.

SIDE NOTE: I wasn't supposed to be on call but one of the girls was sick and crazy train told her he would take her call. Then asked me if I would take "his" call till 8:00 my stipulation was I needed to tag the car first. END SIDE NOTE

I came back to work and it ended up being a hellaish case(sorry if I spelled that wrong!) I asked WP (winney the pooh) to call honey to pick up the kids. No answer
called again at 6:30 about 4 times in half hour no answer. About this time I'm ready to KILL him. Finally I call again at 7:00 and he answers.

Me: where are you
H: here (jack ass)
ME: wheres here
H: home
ME: I've been trying to call you!
H: this is the first time the phone has rang honestly( in his defense his cell service sucks)
ME: I belive you ! I was going to have you pick up the kids but I guess I'll just have to get them on the way home.
H: sorry if I would have know I would have got them.
ME: Alright I love you bye
H: love you bye

So I get home at about 9:00 tend to the kids and fall asleep on the couch. Honey in his state of stupidity (this happens to him sometimes. Now remember I'm already not to awful happy with him) 1st off if I'm not there by 6:00 when you get home and I get off work at 4:00 wouldn't you think to call but what ever!
He comes and lays on top of me nothing sexual about it really it was just a full body hug (I should be happy cuz he likes to cuddle). I get pissed and throw him off me and he lands on the floor yeah I pretty much rolled him on to the floor. He gets up stomps off and says "I was just trying to give you loves" *pout* Please when I'm sleeping! (he must have really gotten beat with the stupitity stick sometime during the day) I then proceed to scream at him " IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULD HAVE PICKED UP THE KIDS!" Ok so I know at this point we are both being childish but still somedays we drive each other batty!
In the end I got in to bed a couple hours later and went to sleep. It's a good thing we don't stay mad at each other long!

Ok I know its old news but I love it

All I have to say is I freak everytime I watch this!

I'm pretty sure Lindasy Lohann almost creams her jeans too. LOL
I read the book shortly before I found out the movie was coming out. I cried the whole way though both and now that I've seen the clip again I want to see the movie again. But honey made promise to never make him watch it. Damn it! isn't he suppossed to be going out of town SOON! Maybe I'll rent it anyhow and kick him out of the house for a couple hours and make him take the kids too.
I don't know which kiss I like better the movie scene or the awards one.

Monday, August 20, 2007

our trip home

on our way home we had an interesting and fun trip. We took the kids to reptile gardens it was fun the alligator show was amazing.

We decided to take the long way home and drive through the badlands. It was beautiful. I've never been before and I was glad we did it.
I also realized something on the way home that people who live WAY OUT in the boonies have like seven cars . Not that they don't get new a car when the need arise just that they don't ever get ride of the old ones I found this very perplexing. I may have to think on it a little more!


Also on the way home we saw a bar now I know what your thinking so what a bar. But this one was special it was a drive though bar. I was about rolling on the floor. Of course we had to go there cuz I needed Ice.( I forgot it on the last stop Poor honey sometime I'm a BAD wife) LOL So the next two pictures are of the bar with a drive through window.

This is a pheasant they can be found as I discovered ALL over the back roads of S.D.

This is what happens when a pheasant hits the windshield of your car! Yea I know I got shitty luck. What are ya gonna do? I out lined the crack in black!

Last but not least I SWEAR this sign was in one of the towns we drove though. I found it so amusing I had to go back and take a picture!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Almost getting arrested

OK. So we're on our way back from Deadwood gambling (Honey and I)didn't spend much but we doubled our money so all was well.

I'm telling him how hard it is to see all the people I want to see before it's time to go home (almost in tears btw). We get about half way through Spearfish and about 4 blocks form our hotel. I see flashing red lights. SON OF A _____.
I think really quick what did I do? I can't think of any thing so I start bawl ling ( I am a big baby) cuz I was already upset about how the not having enough time to see everyone.
Officer walks up to the car:
SPD: " hey how are you tonight"
ME: " not so great" still crying"
SPD " are you ok" Shines light at honey like he'd just beat me . LOL
ME " yes I'll be fine I'm just having a bad night" still crying
SPD: I take it you didn't know you had a tail light out.
Me " no is that all. I didn't think I was speeding." starting to calm down
SPD: " Do you have your licence, registration and insurance with you?"
ME: I look for my stuff can't find the registration and insurance so I dig out my drivers licence and fork it over. " I can't find my registration and insurance" I do have them though." Sniffling but done crying
SPD " you do know it's a violation not to carry those in your car with you at all times right ?"
ME: "Yes sir I'm sorry"
SPD: it's ok just make sure you get them in here as soon as you can.
ME: "Ok thanks."
SPD " I'm just going to run your licence and I'll be back"
Me "sound good"

He's gone for about 7 minutes at which point I start to freak out.
Me: "somethings not right its taking to long . He should have been back by now"
Honey : :everything will be alright Drew"

Yes he came back
SPD: " Mrs. _____ Do you know you have a warrant out for your arrest in the state of south Dakota?
ME: "No I don't it's not mine" BAWLING AGAIN

Side note Ok about a year and a half ago I got a letter from the sheriff dept over by Brookings telling me I had a warrant out for my arrest. Dumbfounded I called to talk to the sheriff. He said it was for a bad check I had written. I said where was it written to ? Long story short the check was written to a bar, for cash, before I was even 21 I assured him that I had never lived in Brookings or anywhere close to it. And that I surely was not in a bar writing checks for cash at any point in my life so he asked me my social security # and a few other personal info things and confirmed that it was not me. There for I thought that he had taken it off of my end side note I GUESS NOT!

SPD: " Are you sure."
ME: "Yes check the social security numbers"
SPD: " OK" Then at about this time my HUSBAND (damn him) moved his feet and what should the cop hear but bottles on the floor!
SPD: "MAM are those beer bottles on the floor of your car?"
ME: "yes sir they are. We went to my high school reunion this after noon and I didn't want to leave them in the park. (this is true)
SPD: " Have you been drinking?"
ME" no sir. You can give me a breathalyzer or even run me in and take my blood, Field sobriety what ever you'd like! I have NOT been drinking" At this point I'm sure I'm going to spend the rest of my life in the SPD jail.
( Just so You know I DO NOT EVER DRINK AND DRIVE. Shit I barley drink. Honey likes to drink to much for me to take it up. LOL Somebody has to be the sober driver!)

Then he gives me the spiel about open container.
Which I understand is his job. He says he'll check my social security number and be right back. I'm sure at this point I'm going to jail I tell honey that I'm going he calms me down.

He comes back about 5 minutes later:

mam are you ling to me?

Me: "no I'm not I swear." By this time they had 3 cop cars with lights flashing and a cop on his bicycle.
I wondered if they thought I was going to run or something? I wouldn't do that its not a pretty sight!

SPD: we ran the social and so far its coming back as you. ( I just want to know how you only run half the social security#) LOL
ME : IT"S NOT ME I SWEAR TO GOD! I explain the above story to him. yep you guessed it now bawling again!
SPD: Mam can you please come back to my car with me
ME: "I swear its not mine. I swear on my life it's not mine." I am now heading back to his car.

SPD calls dispatch and gets the number directly calls and verifies that it is not the same social.
SPD: "I'm really sorry about all that."
Me: now sniffling but not crying anymore. " I understand you have to do what you have to do."
SPD: " I just have to get verification from my dispatcher and then I can let you go"
ME: Ok

So I get back into the car and he follows me.
SPD: " I just want to get a look at those bottles." I think he was looking for at least one full one.
SPD: are you sure you haven't been drinking?
ME: "Really sure But I may start now!"
SPD: "That's fine just as long as you don't drink when your done."
Me: "I won't."

In the end he wrote me a fix it ticket. Not even one that I had to go back and show him that I'd fixed the tail light. He was VERY nice about the whole thing. Thank God he could have drug me off to jail and asked questions later!

So we drove to the nearest liquor store and I got a four pack of mudslides!
I think I drank one or two then fell a sleep. Honey was very attenative for the rest of the night making sure I was ok.
I've been looking for the warrant for my arrest again and can't find it. I even called the sheriffs dept again to talk to them and they don't have anything on me. (So they say! I guess we'll see the next time I go to SD!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

vacation day 2

WE went to see roughlock falls pictured here.

Yes it really is that beautiful! took a whole bunch of dirt roads and then went back to the hotel.

My Cusion was possed to meet us there and my little sister. We all BSD for a while and went swimming. Around 7:00 I got ready to the bar for the high school reunion. WE had a great time at the bar. Honey had ALOT to drink and was quite funny. Kledas tried talking him into streaking( was gonna pay him 50 buck's)! He would have done it too but sister and I made him promise not too. The next day people kept coming up to him and asking how he felt. He kept saying great thanks and looking at them funny. Then one of the girls REintroduced her self. Yeap it was pretty funny.

Saturday. We went to the picnic in the park and again my kids played in the creek the entire time. I wish they played in the creeks here (but upon further inspection this does not sound like a good Idea) Then went to Deadwood that evening just honey and I.

I Almost got arrested on the way home but thats another story!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Phone call

D_baby called last night! Thank God! She sounded great very excited. Said she had two awesome room mates. Her flight was good ( a little boring in between flights they stuck her in a room to wait for the next flight.)

She has only been gone for a day and although I'm very excited for her I miss her very much. Shes gone to stay with nana before and that doesn't bother me.

Holly, all I got to say is kudos cuz it's only been a day and I'm going nuts I can't imagine having to miss them for a summer!!!!!!!!

P.S. she called at 10:15 their time! LOL

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Ok. So I sent D_baby on a plane this am to washington D.C. (with unaccompanied minor status) I want to talk to her and ask if shes ok and how was her flight and if she meet any new friends and if the kids are nice and a whole other slew of things. Which I didn't even think of doing this after noon when she called cuz I was so happy she made it there in one piece I forgot to ask her any of the important questions.

I tried calling her but she didn't answer her phone. Which makes me even more nervous. She prob in bed it's 9:45 there.

Friday, July 27, 2007

vacation day 1

We had a nice drive to S.D. we stayed at my moms the night before so it only took us 6 hours instead of 8 and a half. This is what we saw on the drive there.

And this Yes lots of corvettes as there is a corvette rally in Spearfish every year.

WE checked into the hotel at about 2:00 which was nice considering that check in isn't till 4:00. We than took the kids to the fish hatchery and the park we had a great time. By the way if you ever feed the fish expect your hands to smell like fish food for a couple hour after words( yes smart arses I washed my hands!)They have massive fish there and I thank god that my husband doesn't fish! The kids loved playing in the creek. I tried to keep the monster dry but he loves the water and as such this is nearly impossible! He was completely wet from head to toe!

I realize now that I took alot of things for granted when I moved like how beautiful it is there. For example because people here don't swim in lakes or play in the creek (the creek runs though the park in the town where I grew up). Some of them play in the lake HOWEVER THESE PEOPLE OWN A HOUSE ON THE LAKE. Which I will never own unless I win the lottery or think of a better get rich quick scheme. Here is a picture of the creek.

After the creek we went to my grandmas and grandpas (we'll call them G&G from now on)
my aunt was there and took the kids for a walk in the north forty ( an expression that means way the hell out in the middle of now where. D-baby has a sickness like her mom in that she LOVES rocks and the monster is just plain crazy. My aunt comes back into the house laughing and catching her breath! "The monster took off running and hes not easy to catch!" (they all think I'm feeding them a line when I tell them he's a quick little thing with a bit of orneryness in him!)"And D_baby is trying to bring the mountain side of rocks back with her. LOL" She wasn't lieing they had to make two trips to get all the rocks back to G&G's house. WE took home a five gallon bucket of rock plus prob another 5 gallon bucket that wasn't in the actual bucket.
Needless to say D-Baby and I are in rock heaven! I'm pretty sure my aunt is the one who started it all.

WE then went back to the hotel. Will post day 2 later!

Hugs for Holly!

I want to tell my friend Holly that I love her and if she needs anything to call of email or scream what ever!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

back from vacation

Back from vacation.More deets later this should hold you over till then. Stole it from Holly. Thanks Holly love ya!

Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I know shame on me!

I have been bad and not blogged for about 2 weeks.Not good! I've just been busy with summer, getting ready to go home, looking for a house and trying to get D_baby off to Washington.

Important things first I want to wish Holly a Happy Birthday! Love ya! hope it was and still is a great Day.

The 4th of July went well. We went to a co workers early in the afternoon (the kids and I, Honey had to work) had a nice time the kids played in the pool and gawked about the trains. Seriously his train layout is amazing hence the nick name Crazy train from a previous post Well that and cuz hes crazy. Then we went home and had a nice evening there a few friends stopped by but no killer bash like past years. I kinda missed the craziness. We lit off fireworks in the street (this is nuts to me I grew up in the black hills of SD and this was unheard of) We live close to a base and they have a nice fireworks display we can see from the yard!

I've been actively searching for a house to live in I feel like the trailer is closing in around me. Here are the ones I really like #1I like this one because it's a good size in a neighbor hood I really like and it's new so I 'don't have to worry about getting a home inspection or anything to deal with past owners
#2 I like this one cus it seems cozy there is ALOT of storage space it has little nicks and cracks all over the place. And the kitchen is newly redone. #3 I kinda like this one but not as much as the first two. It's yellow that's a bonus. #4 this is the design I want. I like that it has stainless steal appliances and hard surface counter tops( I don't do well with white anything. this is what the floorplan looks like. I Then think about more than one level and about die trying to make my decision. I like the idea of everything being on one floor and not having to run up and down stairs (yeah I'm lazy so hate me for it!) I looked at 6 houses already and they were mostly 2 level with one trilevel in there. I looked at # 2 and really like it quite a bit(the only ranch I looked at so far) Some ok well most of the rest of the house is outdated well at least cosmetically and I don't want to do that. Oh shit I can't decide! I'm just going to live in the trailer forever and have the walls close in on me as shit piles up cuz I have no where to go with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then of course there is the WONDERFUL honey the butt head I can't get him to look at any of the houses with me but trace and uncle D went with me to a couple of them)! He does tell me he wants to move but doesn't even want to get the preapproval yet( yes I know Holly this is essential) and will be done when we come back from SD Even if I have to drag him by his ears while hes kicking and screaming! To be honest I think he's just a little scared. Which he should be its a big decision!

My darling daughter is going to Washington in early august and has a list of things to get done. Bless her heart she is just like her mother which means only about half of them are accomplished. I did manage to get her a airplane ticket today!

My high School reunion is this weekend I'm looking forward to it we're going to have a great time!I am however a little nervous. Which is OK. I'll get to see some of my friends people I haven't seen in about 10 years. There are a few I will miss *UH HUM*. I have so many people to see and so little time it almost breaks my heart!
Ok thats about now all for now!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Have a Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day! Hope your all enjoying fireworks ,a good grill somewhere friends ,family oh and a good drink!!

Monday, July 2, 2007


Its a good thing I got my cell phone fixed cuz the day after The Monster stuck my beeper in the toilet and then flushed the only consulation was that it was a clean bowl. I can't even put make up on and not watch that kid for five seconds! Honey says hes running a tab on the kid for lost electonics.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Crazy day

Ok to day was crazy and here's why. Got up took my shower took the kids to the sitter and went to work. by the time I got to work I thought I was going to die my stomach hurt so bad. I called my Manager and told him I felt like shit and that I could stay if he needed me to but I couldn't promise anything about being productive. He said he'd go talk to noninvasive( my day to help out in noninvasive) and call me back so he does and says I can go. I leave to go home and on the way I stop to get a new cell phone (the monster dumped my cell in a bucket with water in it) she gives me a line of bull about having to go to a direct dealer like a half hour away from here I'm not doing this feeling like shit so I leave and go home sleep for a couple hours and NO for all you super moms out there I did not go get my kids I didn't mind paying the sitter cuz I felt like SHIT ( that ought to help get my rating up a little higher LOL) At about 11:50 sitter calls and says I need to go get the kids from back up sitter (sitter had a Dr. appt) so I go to get them after some grumbling about not feeling good.
I walk into the bs house and we have a nice conversation it goes something like this

BS: hey how are you
ME: good and you
BS: fine thanks
Me: Wheres the monster?
BS the monster
BS who's the monster?
ME: You know my other kid? D_BABY (hollering to her to come tell me where sitter left monster)
BS: D_babys not here
Me: sitter told me she was leaving the kids with you.
BS: no I haven't talked to sitter in a couple days.
Ok BS is one of those people you go to visit and plan on staying for a couple minutes and end up half the night. It's kinda a running joke.
So I tell her I'd better get and that I miss her and promise to come back soon (BS kicks ass shes lots of fun and so is her fam!)

I leave and go to sitters appt. (not home look for some of her neighbors )
then go home (member that track phone D_baby has ? Yeah it saved my ass today) try catching her at the doctors office nope already left.
Then I try to go back to her house run into nice neighbor lady and ask her if she know what sitter did with my kids. She says she thinks they were going over to CASSIES.
Cassies is out side (mind you not inside with my kids and or hers but what ever. She goes and gets the kids for me and I apologize profusely and explain to her what happened.

We go home and I put the monster down for his after noon nap its about 1:00 (damn the only good thing about being home sick is I get to watch my soap and I missed the entire thing oh well) I lay down on the couch and nap myself for a couple more hours then work calls and wants to know if I need them to take my call.
No I'm not on call but thanks for checking.
I get up and figure I'd better go get my phone b 4 they close (on call tomorrow can't be phone less)
We leave around 3:30 get to the phone store at 4:00 we walk in and the machine is one of those you have to take a number. I find the approite button to click and hit it my number is 814 I hear them call 053 (no I'm not shitting you) then they all 54, 56, then 237 ok so maybe I won;t have to wait as long as I thought. after a 55 minute wait they call my number I'm frantically writing numbers down cuz I forgot mine doesn't have a sim card. (no the lady at the counter didn't tell me they could transfer them anyhow and all my previous phones had one) I 'm writing and shes talking to me. How did it break blah blah blah. So someone behind me catches my attention.

Nice Lady: Excuse me miss. Um your son is taking his shorts off.
I swear to god there are about 30 people in this store.
ME: what? god hes quicker than snot shocking embarrassed look on face I turn around and low and behold there is my son with no shorts on ( he still wears pull ups)well the last time I got easy ups I accidentally got the pink ones you now with Dora and all the pretty flowers on them. So not only is he standing there with no pants on his undies are pink.I put his shorts back on and tell him to leave them on! he in return gives me that devilish grin hes aced so well and I tell him I mean it to leave them ON! He does thank god!

We head home once again.
Honey calls
Honey: Will you stop and get me smokes please?
Me: sure I have to drop off the pager at mp's (miss pissy it's right by there)
blah blah blah

We are at the smoke shop I go in get cigars and come out. 3 minutes tops. MY car won't start !@$#$%@$^@ Ok I must not lie I prob am not as nice to my car as I should be.Meaning its been doing funny stuff for a while and I haven't wanted too fix it. So I didn't SHAME ON ME I KNOW! poor car. I call honey ask him if he'll come jump my car. I HATE ASKING HIM TO DO THESE KINDS OF THINGS FOR ME I change my own oil and fix my own tires and if I'd had jumper cables I would've asked jo blow if I could borrow his car for a minute. But Honey comes to do it after a min it works. and I'm on my way. I have one more stop to make I lend a friend some money We decided to meet at store just up from the smoke shop. I pull in hold out my hand to give her the money(can't shut the car off cuz battery will die again) friend has to hug and love on kids and my f@$#$%^@$^@& car dies! UGH She has cables we hook up the car to hers and after about 5 minutes I figure its not going to work. FUCKING A I have to call honey AGAIN I hate that. He says he'll send BF (best friend) to get me out of jam Oh did I mention we're SUPPOSED to be shopping for her kids b-day gift? So bf and second husband show up (no not technically & Holly get you mind out of the gutter that's gross!) LOL we get the cables hooked up. SH thinks its friend cables and hooks up his nope not cables so he takes the caps off my battery to see the water level. NO water yep that's right folks I said NO water. So me and BF go get a new battery being the old ones not going to get us anywhere. When we get back SH has car ready for new battery. YEAH SH its now about 7:30 I then have to stop and get money back for old battery (called core charge) and stop to get beer. SH reward for helping. We go shopping and I get home at about 10:00 I guess it was a good thing I was sick or I wouldn't have gotten all my shit done for the day! I didn't even break down and cry! Yeah ME

We'll maybe it's a good thing I had a crazy day I forgot about being sick after about 4:00.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nice Girl

Heres my rating. I must say I was quite supprised. I do swear quite often.
I guess not on here YET

Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating

I said sucks once !

Do you ever STOP bitching!!!!!!

Just a quick little note before I get started. I'm typing away on my computer. Then along comes the monster and starts pushing buttons. Ok fine but the little stink knows where the button to turn make the monitor go to sleep is and I'll be dammed if he doesn't push the f_cking thing every time he comes in here. Then he says in the cutest voice ever. " off" * giggle giggle*

There is a girl at work that I don't mind USUALLY but for the last few days shes just been bitching. NONSTOP its driving me crazy. Last week another department calls and says they are having a grill day (where we grill out the back door usually alot of fun) and that the sign up sheet is in the work room and we can sign up if we want. So WP and I go sign up later that day and then remind everyone else later about signing up(we had already discussed it and decided to go) well (Lets call her Miss. Pissy.) Shes starts ranting and raving about how shes not going to take anything cuz they (the other dept.) Never brings anything (not true but you might as well save your breath it's like fighting a brick wall) and that shes not going to bring anything cuz we always bring something and blah blah blah for about 20 minutes. Well other coworker (lets call her Winnie the pooh cuz shes just that sweet you rember her shes the one who signed up with me earlier) who is the only one that can talk anysence in to MP gets her to agree to bring lettuce. F_ckin 98 cents for a head of lettice.(I'd give it to her if its that big of a deal) Is it really that hard if you don't want to go or don't want to buy something or don't have the money don't do it but stop bitching about it!!!!

Forward to today.
It's about 7:15 am and we're all talking about what we brought me = 2 layered chocolate cake with whipped cream and hand dipped strawberries in the middle and on top Yes ladies I LOVE my chocolate WP brought onion and MP ACCIDENTALLY "forgot" the lettuce! WP tells her that that's not very nice and that she shouldn't do it and again blah blah blah. MP continues on her earlier rampage about them not bringing anything. But says she'll go down to the cafeteria and get some lettuce leaves. Which she does then we go and set everything up ( I think this is great fun) we didn't have a busy morning MP starts bitching about where everything is and how it needs to be arranged just so then says "where are the hot dog buns? WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BRING HOT DOG BUNS" DOESN'T SHE EVER SHUT THE F_CK UP?

Then She bitches about getting help from a sister hospital. DUH why would you bitch about this. She did have some valid points but it all boils down to us needing the help.

Yesterday she bitched about another dept. Not getting our patient ready fast enough.
ME: " MAYBE WE SHOULD FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED FIRST" WHILE LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT HER (she wrote the dept up last week for the same reason)
After I'm done talking to her she immediately calls our OD (operations director)
Tells her the same story and again my boss trys to calm her down.
And once again WP asks her about it she gets all pissy again and is mad for the rest of the day.

Then she gets into a shouting match with another co worker (lets call him crazy train) about the above mentioned help from the sister hospital and how the OD from the SH called our OD about a phone call MP had with coworkers from the sister hospital.Its a mouth full I know. Then OD came in to our department and had a discussion about it with all of us. Now in MP defence CT can be as his name describes with many ups and downs I believe he is the biggest drama queen out of us all. However MP is Really pissy these days. They are yelling and I have to mention that there is another dept next door and they should calm down a little. Good lord CT is 52 and MP is 34 ( I think) can we say childish. (maybe they should have a party with DQ over at HOLLYS from What Where You Expecting. LOL.

Then I'm stupid enuf to go get a pedicure with them after work and have to listen to MP tell WP everything all over again.As she left at 12:00 and missed the argument with CT

On a better note my toes nails are pink and I've managed to wear makeup everyday for a week! yeah me! Oh and put my contacts in every day too!

A Little funny tale. We have to have little stickers on the back side of our rear view(so they know if we're parking where we should be) mirrors with our employee ID # on them. (I pulled mine off.) Mine came off about a month and a half ago. We have to get them from the security guard. I see him walk out to his vehicle today (while setting up for the bbq) and whistle (I can do this very loudly) he comes over and I go to the curb to meet him tell him what I need and turn to go as I'm walking back to continue setting up I step into a BIG hole and fall on my ass. I just layed there for a minute laughing and two of the girls walk over to me and ask if I'm ok (wp and the new girl) by this time we are all laughing so hard we are literally crying! Yeah I'm fine. Later I tell the rest of the gang what I did.Only cuz I was prompted to do so by WP. NG adds in that of course it was in front of the new security guard "the cutest guy working on the hospital grounds" Now she said it but I will agree he is the cutest guy around. But whats a girl to do! If you can't laugh at your self life has to really suck Right!

That's all for today folks!

Monday, June 25, 2007


OK so I'm pretty sure I'm getting old and this is how I know. D-baby is 11 and this makes me extremely sad:( In the last year I've bought her (this is the part where I tell you TMI so if you don't want to know don't read it!) bras which always seem to amaze me who are they training anyway the bra or the girl? I never understood this.
Razors who new an 11 year old girl could be so hairy? Other girly stuff like curling irons and blow dryers ( I don't think I've seen her use them yet as she lets the air take care of it. Drives me nuts that she can do this if I don't put anything in my hair I look like this.

I know she's getting older cuz shes having a hard time deciding if she wants the latest bratz doll or a new outfit.
Shes not allowed to wear makeup yet so I'm safe there (for a couple more years then maybe some lip gloss or something. MAYBE

Shes a great kid other than the normal 11 year old girl stuff ( all the extra hormones).She does become whiny sometimes. But usually she's a happy go lucky girl.

Shes extremely kind and funny. She still amazes me on a regular basis. Shes honest and shes know right from wrong and will 99 percent of the time do whats right (hey we all got a little ornery in us) after all she is my and honey's kid.

We are quite hard on her as you may have discovered from my previous post responsibility Maybe she'll be a better person than we are because of it!

Shes growing up it all makes me quite sad!!!!!!!!!! *snifle*

Bridge to Teribithia

Watched the movie this weekend. I thought it was good. Honey didn't like it "Well that sucked" Big spoliers up next DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS

Ok he was just mad cuz she dies in the movie which I understand too but I still thought it was a good movie. However I think the book is better. I read it over and over when I was a kid. I bought it for d-baby to read.(d-baby is my 11 year old daughter)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

To the mall

On my last day visiting my mom and Family I told my cousin we'd go to the mall. I'd been there before and was sure I could find it again. After deciding to leave ALL the kids at home with my mom and sister (they didn't want to go) my aunt decided to go as well. So were off for a girls night out!

We went in the direction I thought the mall was (I did have them release all liability for getting lost before we left my moms) and ended up getting lost! ( no I don't think you understand we were REALLY lost) but beings that I'm not a man I have no trouble asking for directions. We're out in the middle of no where and I finally decide to turn around. Across the street there is a parking lot ( I choose the bar parking lot ) to turn around in. Some one is getting in to the car so I drive over, by this time shes driving off. I flag her down and she waves at me I say wait stop. open the car door ( I'm sure by this time shes peeing her pants thinking I'm going to take her out did I mention earlier I'm white trailer trash ) She stops and I ask her how to get to the mall she says you can follow us and then gives a few more instructions for after she takes her turn off the road. She must have figured out we weren't planing on taking her out after all!
so after 25 minutes of driving we FINALLY find the mall. I was way off track. I know!We run in to best buy and get a CD for my cousin then head over to the mall (indoors )we went in though Barnes and Noble (yeah not smart if I want to see the rest of the mall) but we were in a hurry it was almost closing time. So we did our shopping and then went back to the book store. We spent an hour in the book store then headed home. Well to my moms anyhow. I AGAIN got on the wrong highway and we got lost. We ended up on a two way highway and when I decided to turn around there was a really old scary house I half expected the cast from Texas Chainsaw Massacre to come out and hack us up to pieces! We call my mom for directions and head in the RIGHT way. We made it back safe and sound and it only took us an extra 2 hours. Despite all the craziness we had fun!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunshine what's a bloging?


Why did you take a picture of the Cinnamon roll?

Cuz I'm going to blog about it.

Oh ok. Whats a blog?

Well it's kinda like an on line diary I guess. People can read it if you want or it can be private which ever.

Well it sounds like something you'd say right before you go thow up. Sorry I have to go BllOOOOOOGG.

Aren't you the funny one.

Cinnamon rolls YUMMY

when I was a girl my grandpa would make cinnamon rolls. I remember going to visit and there would be dough spread out on the table and butter and cinnamon and sugar shortly behind it. I must say these are the best cinnamon rolls EVER I know it could be a biased opinion but I think not! well visiting my family
G&G brought some along. There was about 10 of them I must say I considered hiding them and not sharing but I only took one (well maybe two one for later) and left the rest. All I can say is yum!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


I like to read quite a bit. Mostly mystery with a little romance on the side, some thrillers and wizards that kind of stuff so I've put some of my favorite authors to the left check them out. I'll keep adding as I find others I like.

Friday, June 8, 2007

My family

I went to see my family over Memoral day weekend. My mom lives about 2 and a half hours from where I do. The kids and I left on Saturday at about 12:00 ( the monsters nap time, hey at least I didn't give him benadrly LOL ) we arrived around 2:30 and visited with my mom for a couple hours before my dad and sister showed up. My G&G (grandma and grandpa) along with my aunt and cousin showed up at about 5:00. I was very nervous cuz my dad and sister like to drink a couple beers( for those of you who know them they have slowed down over the years) my grandmother does not find this a good idea so I was kinda worried about how the weekend was going to turn out.

Sidenote My mom and dad have been divorced for over 20 years. They however get along great now and are WONDERFUL grandparents and we are able to do things as a family now don't get me wrong I'm not one of those kids who wants their parents to get back together. They are great but not together. Besides they have been divorced ever since I can remember. END SIDE NOTE

I must say I'm extremely impressed my dad and sister waited till G&G went back to the hotel to drink and everyone got a long great.

My dad took the kids bike riding all weekend and I must say he is an AMAZING grandpa he cooked dinner and went to the store (taking all the kids except for the monster with him because his name is exactly as he is).He carved roaster for their marshmallows out of sticks when we have hangers down stairs but he wants to do it the "old fashioned way" I love it! He made sure they had super soakers for their out door adventures this summer (some how the monster got the short end of this stick and was drenched with in the hour and by the way he loved it so not to worry) He has to go home tomorrow and I'm sad, till next time I guess but even though I've been gone for the better part of 7 years it doesn't make it any eaider to say goodbye.

G&G are good they are getting older and it make me feel bad about moving away. It's times like this I wish I could move home but the living there is so high and the pay is not that good (besides to do what I do I'd have to live like 50 miles away from where I want to in a town that I don't really like or wouldn't want to raise my kids in.

We had a great time! I'll post more about this later(in detail just to warn you) and I can't wait to see them in July!

Friday, June 1, 2007

ROCKS, Silly Me

Here are some pictures of some rocks just for Merlin. I love rocks any kind!
This started as a little kid I'd come home with rocks in my pocket!


The Geode is hard and lumpy on the out side but when you break it open on the inside it has crystals in it. The arrow head was used and made as a tool by the Native Americans. The bubble gum agate got its name because it looks like chewed up gum and the Fair Burn comes from the badlands in SD.

This is a picture of a rock my mom had painted for me. I like turtles and frogs too. She also had one with our last name and first names painted on it. It has to be my favorite as well.

People keep telling me I should start a Rock garden OUTSIDE (can you believe the nerve of some people? LOL Not a chance in hell) I'm afraid the neighborhood kids will take them. My honey is extremely tolerant of my fascination and has even pulled over. He gave me another rock collection for Christmas! The kind that comes every month YEAH HONEY!

Me: "Turn around and stop the car for a sec k honey"
Honey: " Why, is everything ok"
ME: "Yeah I just saw a really cool rock and I want to go back and get it!"
Honey: ( While chucking to him self and turning the car around) "You are so cute!"

I'm glad he thinks it's cute. I pick them up everywhere we go. My aunt gives me most of those that came from SD out of her rock garden (she keeps hers out side what a silly girl). I have rocks in the bottom of my purse and in my car sometimes even in my pockets.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tagged by holly

Two names you go by:
2. Andi

Two things you are wearing right now:
1. shorts
2. tank top

Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. trust
2. honesty

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. spend time with my family
2. read although I haven't had a lot of time to devote lately

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. my honey to come home from work
2. a house

Two pets you had/have:
1. Hobbs (dog) have
2. hulk (dog) had

Two things you did last night:
1. baked a Mexican wedding cake (I have no Idea why its called this)
2. made dinner

Two things you ate today:
1. couscous
2. toast

Two people you last talked to:
1. Honey
2. The Monster

Two things you're doing tomorrow:
1. Working
2. finishing my book

Two longest car rides:
1. Driving home (SD) the first time after moving to Nebraska 10 hour car ride (I got hives)
2. Driving any where with the Monster ( he tries to get out of his car seat and I have to stop (sometimes twice) to put him back in the seat.

Two favorite holidays:
1. Independence Day
2. Christmas

Two favorite beverages:
2. Chocolate milk

Four things About ME!

Things you may not have known about me:

1. I collect rocks
2. I didn't figure out what MPH (miles per hour) meant till I was about 19. Yeah I know it's bad.
3. I want to be a personal shopper or a party planner not weddings though. I love spending other peoples money!
4. I get annoyed when people in my office use the last of a document and don't make new copies grrr.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Burger King
2. CNA
3. Diagnostic Associate
4. House Keeper

Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. Sweet Home Alabama
2. Goonies
3. Billy Jean
4. Dirty Dancing

Four places I have lived:
1. South Dakota
2. Nebraska
3. I did live in a development named green acres twice though
4. Sorry only two

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Roast Beef
2. chocolate
3. cheese
4. steak

Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. a cruise
2. Disney land or world which ever
3. Cancun
4. Las Vegas

Four people I tag:I don't really know anyone that hasn't already been tagged so I'm saving this for later!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


This guy is funny especially the commercials at the end!

Enjoy Sunhine!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Garbage bags

Yes I know what a weird thing to blog about but I wanted to so here it is. I use GLAD Force flex garbage bags they are amazing and hold ANYTHING. I resently ran out and had to get hefty flex bags. Just so you know they don't work near as well and they leak (I hate the leaking!!!!!! Sorry if some of you use them, just my personal opponion take it or leave it) I REALLY don't like picking garbage up out of the yard.
That is all!

song of the week # 3

"Nena 99 red balloons"

Questions from what where you expecting!

My friend Holly over at What where you expecting asked us ladies to do this. So here it is.

A little back ground first!

We eloped I was 17 and PG. At the time I didn't really tell to many people because I didn't want them to try to talk me out of it because we were so young. I knew what I wanted and I knew it was him. So my mom came with us to the court house to get our marriage lisence( in the state we lived in you had to be 18 or have a parent sign for you) beigns that we did it so quickly (decided to get married on a thursday and did it on that sunday) We didn't have a lot of money I was still in High school ( and for all you haters out there YES I did graduate from High school thank you very much! Not only is Honey an amazing husband hes a great dad too!) We bought a matching set of rings from the pawn shop.

How did he propose? Or did he at all? Well I wouldn't really call it a purposal. We had a discussion about it one day.
Honey: so do you... do you wanna get married?
Me : Sure when are you talkin about?
Honey: How bout this weekend?
Me : Sounds good to me.

How long were you together before he did? Three years

When did you get married (Time of year, date, time of day, etc)? March 24th 1996 in the early afternoon. We were married in my moms living room. LOL It was a really cold, snowy day there was about one and a half feet of snow on the ground!

Was it big or small? Did you regret doing it one way or the other (i.e. if it was small and intimate, do you regret not having a larger celebration?)? IT was VERY small. I don't have any regrets about the we I did it but I would've liked to have more of my family and friends there.I would have liked to have worn a dress too. Doesn't work too well being really big and PG.

Where did you register? What's the best gift you received? we didn't register! My family had a "wedding reception" for us nothing big just family. We got a lot of kitchen stuff. I still have most of it.

Who was your Maid of Honor? Do you still have contact with her? we didn't have brides maids or best men. My mom signed for me and my dad signed for my husband. I had one of my friends there and my sister. My husband invited one of his best friends. And yes I still talk to my mom I love her. Even though we were so young I love him and wouldn't change anything about the way we did things.

What were your colors? No colors My mom did make us a beautiful cake ( she was a cake decorator at the time. The BEST if I do say so my self. Not that I'm biased or anything HEHE) I still have the topper it sits in my china cabinent. "Pictured"

Any tips for cutting corners you can offer? no not really Nothing short of eloping sorry!

Any advice for the bride-to-be? Have fun! ,do what makes you and MM happy.

We are still happily married and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

SIDE NOTE: While we were in Vegas he purposed to me again. We were just getting out of bed the last morning we were there and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him again. I said yes and that I wanted to wait till we got home cuz I wanted our daughter to be there. He slowly slid the ring (yes I got a second ring LOL) on to my middle TOE ( yes ladies and gents ) I said TOE. I thought this was unique and very sweet I loved it!
We'll be doing that someday but no rush we have the rest of our lives! Even then I don't want it to be big just a few friend and our families. END SIDE NOTE

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Trailer trash

Here it is my confession! I am trailer trash. Actually, I don't have three cars in the yard and my moms not dating my uncle or anything but I do live in a trailer, much too my horror.

My family and I are tyring to build a house but before we can proceed with that we have to sell the trailer. In order to sell(Please DON"T ever buy a trailer If your thinking about it let me know and I'll find a hundred and one reaseon NOT to) the trailer we need to fix it up just general wear and tear but we have started painting and got new carpet and all that "fun" stuff. So for your enjoyment I have posted pictures of the two dif colors of the walls. Originally it had wall paper on it just white with flowers. The first color looked ALOT lighter in the can than obviously than it did on the walls. We are going to put new trim around the doors and ceiling this up coming weekend as you can see we took it off already (easier to paint that way!)
1ST color I like to call it shit brown!

2nd color toffee crunch! I love the walls this color


Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I love this song. Plain and simple I love it!

" Toby Keith Beer for my horses"

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Amazing women Happy Mothers day

I love you MOM!

One Flaw In Women

By the time the Lord made woman,
He was into his sixth day of working overtime.
An angel appeared and said,
"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her?
She has to be completely washable, but not plastic,
have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable
and able to run on diet coke and leftovers,
have a lap that can hold four children at one time,
have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken
-and she will do everything
with only two hands."
he angel was astounded at the requirements.
"Only two hands!? No way!
And that's just on the standard model?
That's too much work for one day.
Wait until tomorrow to finish."
But I won't," the Lord protested.
"I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own
She already heals herself when she is sick
AND can work 18 hour days."
The angel moved closer and touched the woman.
"But you have made her so soft, Lord."
"She is soft," the Lord agreed,
"but I have also made her tough.
You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."
"Will she be able to think?", asked the angel.
The Lord replied,
"Not only will she be able to think,
she will be able to reason and negotiate."
The angel then noticed something,
and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek.
Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model.
I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."
That's not a leak,"
the Lord corrected,
"that's a tear!"
"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.
The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy,
her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love,
Her loneliness, her grief and her pride."
The angel was impressed.
"You are a genius, Lord.
You thought of everything!
Woman is truly amazing."

And she is!
Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness,
love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
omen have vital things to say and everything to give.
PLEASE pass this along to all your women friends
and relatives to remind them just how amazing they are.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Eye infection

Ok so last week my husband had a really bad eye infection.(won't take out his contacts when they start to bug him.)

Honey "My eyes hurt."
Me "Then take out your contacts!"
H "ok" in whinney voice

About twenty minutes later I see him still rubbing his eyes.

Me "I thought I told you to take out your contacts!"
h " I tried and they rolled to the back of my eye balls and now I can't open my eyes to look in the mirror to take them out" (who needs to look in a mirror to take out their contacts if their just going in the garbage? Even if their not going in the garbage!

Time for bed
He still doesn't take them out!

At about 10:00 the next day (I'm in the car on my way home cuz I have a stomach bug.)
honey calls our conversation goes like this.

Honey "Sunshine where do I go to see someone about my eyes"

Me " We'll I'd skip the ER and Emerga care and go to the optomitrist cuz I don't know what the other two can do for ya."

Honey " Who should I go to?"

Me " Hold on I'll get the number."
I give him the number and he calls and sets up an appointment to see the eye doc right away.

He comes home and says I have a REALLY bad eye infection(duh) the doctor say I have to take eye drops for the next 24 hrs 1 every hour in each eye and report back tomorrow at 2:00. This includes over night. It was a long night!

The next day I get off work early so I can take him to the eye doc because he can't see to drive. At 2:00 we go back to the eye doc. He says the infection is stooped spreading but hasn't regressed any and to take the eye drops for a longer period of time and to see him the next day.

Mean while my house loooks like its been boraded up because his eyes are sensitive to the light. (which I understand cuz it hurts

WE go back the next day infection is regressing . doc says " take 4 qid and see me next tuesday!

So he takes the eye drops and misses the last appt (has a meeting for work can't reschedule) which was on tuesday.

This AM I get up and start looking for my glasses. I search high and low for a half an hour! By this time I'm late for work haven't gotten dressed or got the Monster up (can't see member) Finally I see them sooo NOT in the place I remember putting them but The monster got up in the middle of the night and maybe I moved them and don't remember. I put them on and everything is really blurry so I take them off clean them and again blurry.

I call honey

Honey " Hey babe. good morning! whats up"

Me " Honey did you wear your glasses to work today?" )(He has contacts too member)
honey " Yeah but I can't see out of them very well I even took them off and tried again"

Me " You can't see out of them cuz THEIR MINE"

Honey Giggling " Oh no wonder I thought I was going blind or somthing crazy. I figured cuz I had to cancel my appt that this was my just deserves."

Me " Your so funny I can't see with out my glasses" (my vision isn't all that bad but I could NOT do my job without them)

Honey "Well just wear mine" hes knows the answer to that but he had to try anyway!

ME " Yeah right I can't see five feet in front of me with these on" ( his perscription is much worse than mine!)
He makes arrangement to meet me at work so I can get them.

Its not the first time hes worn my stuff to work hes worn a cute little shirt I had once too. But thats an entirely diff story!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The monster

I have a monster he is about 2 1/2 feet tall. Although the monster is very ORNERY
He makes me laugh and smile when I've had a bad day or even a good day hes always doing something. WE read green eggs and ham today he literally laughed the whole way through! Just the laugh makes me smile!

All the silly little things they do amaze you. Rolling over the first time, First tooth, crawling walking, eating their first Cheeto, saying daddy or mommy! all those things we take every day for granted and they find amazing! Even the first time He stood in the corner is a feat by itself.

If there is something to be spilled with in a 20 mile radius he will be sure to spill it (he's good about cleaning it up) so as of right now I can't walk two feet in my place with out that sticky feeling on the bottom of my feet(can't quite get the OJ to come up with out it sticking. Plan on shampooing the carpets this weekend its my weekend off call)

He had a total fascination for Honey who to him is of course daddy. If daddy clips he glasses to the front of his shirt then the monster wants to as well. If daddy goes out side then the monster gets his shoes. He picks up the control for the play station and pretends to be daddy.

The way he dances to music (the monster LOVES music) all kinds of music throwing his hands in the air and bouncing. he has one dance style I like to call the sumo he spreads his legs out wide like hes getting ready to fight another sumo wrestler in his diaper and again with the bouncing!

Children are so incredible!

Tell me about your kids!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Song of the week

This is my song choice of the week something I'll be doing from now on. Renagade by Styx.
This one is a bonus cuz Jensen Ackles( Sammies brother in days of our lives for all you soap fans) and Jared Pasdaleck are HOTT. The clip is from the TV show supernatural.


For Christmas we got my daughter ( shes 11)a track phone. You know the ones where you have to pay for the minutes in advance. The deal was that she got the phone and then had to save her allowance to buy the minutes. We're trying to teach her responsibility and blah blah blah (cards cost bout 30.00 every 2 months). She did pretty good and got herself new minutes as time went on. In March she "lost the phone". My husband and I were very upset with her and told her if she wanted a new one she'd have to buy it herself. At the end of March we got my daughter a new phone and my husband told her she had to pay us back for it. He told her to draw up a contract (yes, those are the exact words he used) and that he was also going to charge her interest.

I have to tell you, at first I was a little upset with my husband over this. I mean, "Charge interest"? Please! But then he made some very good points about teaching her responsibility and how he wished someone had explained interest and loans and such to him before he got one from the bank and I had to agree with him.

But then, it turns out it was actually stolen from our house along with a few other things.

(not to worry I lock the doors now!) I'm from a small town where you could leave them open at night or during the day and not have to worry bout it. I now live in a bigger city and obviously the same rules don't apply here!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Going crazy 2

Ok so rememer eairler when I told you I was going crazy? we got everything figured out picked a date and activities. Now I'm excited and nervous at the same time! I want to see all these people (well not all of them but I do want to see the friends that I've gotten out of touch with).but I'll be quite honest some well ok A LOT of them intimidate me( not my friends the others). Just cuz I think they are better than me I'm not sure why, I have a great job and an amazing family and great friends. Why should I fell like any less of a person?

I'm kinda a quiet person till you get to know me then usually you can't get me to shut up! I have more self confidence now than I did when i was in school. I usually get along with just about everyone.

What are your thoughts on this?
Please let me know

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Going Crazy

Ok so I hate to vent but gotta do it somewhere.

I'm trying to contact people for my high school reunion. Which is ok I offered( like a jack ass. oops did I say that out loud. actually I like to do this kind of stuff but usually its more organized. ) I've contacted some of the people on my list. there are three (lists) and now they are going to change the date. So I'll need to call all of those peeps back (boy do I feel like an ass.) They aren't decided yet and we don't have much time. GRRR...
Ok I feel better.

Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm just going to ramble for a little while and tell you about my weekend.

I took the day off on Friday it was nice spent some time with the boy (hes almost two.)At 4:00 I left home to go to a class.

The class is a 2 day thing well almost two days. Its in a town about an hour and a half from here. I got lost on the way there(very typical of me). Found where I was supposed to be and walked into the class now remember I haven't been to class for over 10 years ( yes I know I'm old Thank you for reminding me ) They are all so young and immediately I feel nervous. They turned out to be really nice group and the teacher was amazing, taking the time to teach me a couple of the formulas I need to know to pass my test.
I left for home at 10:00 which means I didn't get there till 12:00 (yes I know I got lost again!)I had to be back the next day at 8:00 which means I had to leave at 6:30. I get home and my family is here ( I new they were coming) and some friends of ours normally this would be great but I can't sleep with all them in the house our friends leave at 2:30 and I yell for hubby to come to bed but I wait till they leave I don't want to be rude. Its now 2:30 ( sorry to all of you I was a bitch
to the next day)
I made it back to class the next day (Yes I got lost) I even made it on time! Class went great I now understand a lot of stuff that was boggling to me before.

Saturday night!
Just a little history here. Every Year my friends and I go out for our b-days in April(there is 3 of us that have b-days in April!)This is called girls night out we leave the kids at home with the guys and starting about April 1st I can't wait for it to get here. There's about 7 of us This year we went to a bar called the ozone. It was fun and the band was great. I had 2 shots which for me this is quite a bit as I'm not much of a drinker (somebody has to drive right) A red headed slut and a tube full of something that tasted great but I don't know the name of. Some days I think I should drink a lot more because I wake up with the hang over anyhow! Either way we had a great time!

My Hubby woke me up at 10:30 on Sunday ( I hate it when I sleep in late). He thought maybe it would be a good day to go to the zoo. So I start getting the boy ready (them little ones take a long time!)all I have to do with my daughter and the other kids is tell then to get ready. My sister packs us all a lunch and we leave at about 1:00.It is so much fun watching the kids get a kick out of the animals. It was nice to see my husband and my mom with the kids play and have a good time. We stayed until about We 5:00.We got home and hubby made kabobs YUM I was so glad it wasn't my day to cook hehe.

My family went home at about 7:30 and after that I spent the rest of the night looking up phone #'s for our high school reunion I'm pretty sure its going to take me a long time.

Well that was my weekend It was fun and I'm glad its over!

What did you all do this weekend?


How'd I do Merlin?

Friday, April 27, 2007

The Book Binge

Just a little note you should check out the girls at the book binge. They are great and their reviews are very through and interesting. They also have a contest going on. So for all your romance reviews and suggestions you should look them up!
you can find the link in my favorites to the left

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This is Cheebo! I was Looking for this song "Brand new Key by Melanie" when I came across him. I think he is sooo cute and thought all of you should see him too.


Ok first off I want to thank holly for getting me started! So thanks! and also for letting me have a pic of the beautiful bain of her exixtance!

I'm going to blog about anything and everything. It may not all be exciting but its all me.

One more thing b4 I go. I'm not a wonderful speller and I'm not an english major so stick with me it will get better. :)

Test Post

Holly is the very bestest person in the whole wide world and i love her more than anyone or anything else because she's not just the bomb, she's the bomb DOT com.

Tee hee. Hey, if i have to suffer so do you.