Monday, August 13, 2007

Almost getting arrested

OK. So we're on our way back from Deadwood gambling (Honey and I)didn't spend much but we doubled our money so all was well.

I'm telling him how hard it is to see all the people I want to see before it's time to go home (almost in tears btw). We get about half way through Spearfish and about 4 blocks form our hotel. I see flashing red lights. SON OF A _____.
I think really quick what did I do? I can't think of any thing so I start bawl ling ( I am a big baby) cuz I was already upset about how the not having enough time to see everyone.
Officer walks up to the car:
SPD: " hey how are you tonight"
ME: " not so great" still crying"
SPD " are you ok" Shines light at honey like he'd just beat me . LOL
ME " yes I'll be fine I'm just having a bad night" still crying
SPD: I take it you didn't know you had a tail light out.
Me " no is that all. I didn't think I was speeding." starting to calm down
SPD: " Do you have your licence, registration and insurance with you?"
ME: I look for my stuff can't find the registration and insurance so I dig out my drivers licence and fork it over. " I can't find my registration and insurance" I do have them though." Sniffling but done crying
SPD " you do know it's a violation not to carry those in your car with you at all times right ?"
ME: "Yes sir I'm sorry"
SPD: it's ok just make sure you get them in here as soon as you can.
ME: "Ok thanks."
SPD " I'm just going to run your licence and I'll be back"
Me "sound good"

He's gone for about 7 minutes at which point I start to freak out.
Me: "somethings not right its taking to long . He should have been back by now"
Honey : :everything will be alright Drew"

Yes he came back
SPD: " Mrs. _____ Do you know you have a warrant out for your arrest in the state of south Dakota?
ME: "No I don't it's not mine" BAWLING AGAIN

Side note Ok about a year and a half ago I got a letter from the sheriff dept over by Brookings telling me I had a warrant out for my arrest. Dumbfounded I called to talk to the sheriff. He said it was for a bad check I had written. I said where was it written to ? Long story short the check was written to a bar, for cash, before I was even 21 I assured him that I had never lived in Brookings or anywhere close to it. And that I surely was not in a bar writing checks for cash at any point in my life so he asked me my social security # and a few other personal info things and confirmed that it was not me. There for I thought that he had taken it off of my end side note I GUESS NOT!

SPD: " Are you sure."
ME: "Yes check the social security numbers"
SPD: " OK" Then at about this time my HUSBAND (damn him) moved his feet and what should the cop hear but bottles on the floor!
SPD: "MAM are those beer bottles on the floor of your car?"
ME: "yes sir they are. We went to my high school reunion this after noon and I didn't want to leave them in the park. (this is true)
SPD: " Have you been drinking?"
ME" no sir. You can give me a breathalyzer or even run me in and take my blood, Field sobriety what ever you'd like! I have NOT been drinking" At this point I'm sure I'm going to spend the rest of my life in the SPD jail.
( Just so You know I DO NOT EVER DRINK AND DRIVE. Shit I barley drink. Honey likes to drink to much for me to take it up. LOL Somebody has to be the sober driver!)

Then he gives me the spiel about open container.
Which I understand is his job. He says he'll check my social security number and be right back. I'm sure at this point I'm going to jail I tell honey that I'm going he calms me down.

He comes back about 5 minutes later:

mam are you ling to me?

Me: "no I'm not I swear." By this time they had 3 cop cars with lights flashing and a cop on his bicycle.
I wondered if they thought I was going to run or something? I wouldn't do that its not a pretty sight!

SPD: we ran the social and so far its coming back as you. ( I just want to know how you only run half the social security#) LOL
ME : IT"S NOT ME I SWEAR TO GOD! I explain the above story to him. yep you guessed it now bawling again!
SPD: Mam can you please come back to my car with me
ME: "I swear its not mine. I swear on my life it's not mine." I am now heading back to his car.

SPD calls dispatch and gets the number directly calls and verifies that it is not the same social.
SPD: "I'm really sorry about all that."
Me: now sniffling but not crying anymore. " I understand you have to do what you have to do."
SPD: " I just have to get verification from my dispatcher and then I can let you go"
ME: Ok

So I get back into the car and he follows me.
SPD: " I just want to get a look at those bottles." I think he was looking for at least one full one.
SPD: are you sure you haven't been drinking?
ME: "Really sure But I may start now!"
SPD: "That's fine just as long as you don't drink when your done."
Me: "I won't."

In the end he wrote me a fix it ticket. Not even one that I had to go back and show him that I'd fixed the tail light. He was VERY nice about the whole thing. Thank God he could have drug me off to jail and asked questions later!

So we drove to the nearest liquor store and I got a four pack of mudslides!
I think I drank one or two then fell a sleep. Honey was very attenative for the rest of the night making sure I was ok.
I've been looking for the warrant for my arrest again and can't find it. I even called the sheriffs dept again to talk to them and they don't have anything on me. (So they say! I guess we'll see the next time I go to SD!)


Holly said...

HAHA! Poor baby. I could so picture the whole thing in my mind. You crying and etc...haha I love it.

K, i'm done poking fun now. ;)

Isabel said...

Oh man that sucks!!! I probably would've cried too.