Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Do you ever STOP bitching!!!!!!

Just a quick little note before I get started. I'm typing away on my computer. Then along comes the monster and starts pushing buttons. Ok fine but the little stink knows where the button to turn make the monitor go to sleep is and I'll be dammed if he doesn't push the f_cking thing every time he comes in here. Then he says in the cutest voice ever. " off" * giggle giggle*

There is a girl at work that I don't mind USUALLY but for the last few days shes just been bitching. NONSTOP its driving me crazy. Last week another department calls and says they are having a grill day (where we grill out the back door usually alot of fun) and that the sign up sheet is in the work room and we can sign up if we want. So WP and I go sign up later that day and then remind everyone else later about signing up(we had already discussed it and decided to go) well (Lets call her Miss. Pissy.) Shes starts ranting and raving about how shes not going to take anything cuz they (the other dept.) Never brings anything (not true but you might as well save your breath it's like fighting a brick wall) and that shes not going to bring anything cuz we always bring something and blah blah blah for about 20 minutes. Well other coworker (lets call her Winnie the pooh cuz shes just that sweet you rember her shes the one who signed up with me earlier) who is the only one that can talk anysence in to MP gets her to agree to bring lettuce. F_ckin 98 cents for a head of lettice.(I'd give it to her if its that big of a deal) Is it really that hard if you don't want to go or don't want to buy something or don't have the money don't do it but stop bitching about it!!!!

Forward to today.
It's about 7:15 am and we're all talking about what we brought me = 2 layered chocolate cake with whipped cream and hand dipped strawberries in the middle and on top Yes ladies I LOVE my chocolate WP brought onion and MP ACCIDENTALLY "forgot" the lettuce! WP tells her that that's not very nice and that she shouldn't do it and again blah blah blah. MP continues on her earlier rampage about them not bringing anything. But says she'll go down to the cafeteria and get some lettuce leaves. Which she does then we go and set everything up ( I think this is great fun) we didn't have a busy morning MP starts bitching about where everything is and how it needs to be arranged just so then says "where are the hot dog buns? WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BRING HOT DOG BUNS" DOESN'T SHE EVER SHUT THE F_CK UP?

Then She bitches about getting help from a sister hospital. DUH why would you bitch about this. She did have some valid points but it all boils down to us needing the help.

Yesterday she bitched about another dept. Not getting our patient ready fast enough.
ME: " MAYBE WE SHOULD FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED FIRST" WHILE LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT HER (she wrote the dept up last week for the same reason)
After I'm done talking to her she immediately calls our OD (operations director)
Tells her the same story and again my boss trys to calm her down.
And once again WP asks her about it she gets all pissy again and is mad for the rest of the day.

Then she gets into a shouting match with another co worker (lets call him crazy train) about the above mentioned help from the sister hospital and how the OD from the SH called our OD about a phone call MP had with coworkers from the sister hospital.Its a mouth full I know. Then OD came in to our department and had a discussion about it with all of us. Now in MP defence CT can be as his name describes with many ups and downs I believe he is the biggest drama queen out of us all. However MP is Really pissy these days. They are yelling and I have to mention that there is another dept next door and they should calm down a little. Good lord CT is 52 and MP is 34 ( I think) can we say childish. (maybe they should have a party with DQ over at HOLLYS from What Where You Expecting. LOL.

Then I'm stupid enuf to go get a pedicure with them after work and have to listen to MP tell WP everything all over again.As she left at 12:00 and missed the argument with CT

On a better note my toes nails are pink and I've managed to wear makeup everyday for a week! yeah me! Oh and put my contacts in every day too!

A Little funny tale. We have to have little stickers on the back side of our rear view(so they know if we're parking where we should be) mirrors with our employee ID # on them. (I pulled mine off.) Mine came off about a month and a half ago. We have to get them from the security guard. I see him walk out to his vehicle today (while setting up for the bbq) and whistle (I can do this very loudly) he comes over and I go to the curb to meet him tell him what I need and turn to go as I'm walking back to continue setting up I step into a BIG hole and fall on my ass. I just layed there for a minute laughing and two of the girls walk over to me and ask if I'm ok (wp and the new girl) by this time we are all laughing so hard we are literally crying! Yeah I'm fine. Later I tell the rest of the gang what I did.Only cuz I was prompted to do so by WP. NG adds in that of course it was in front of the new security guard "the cutest guy working on the hospital grounds" Now she said it but I will agree he is the cutest guy around. But whats a girl to do! If you can't laugh at your self life has to really suck Right!

That's all for today folks!


Isabel said...

I think there is one of those people at every job. ugh.

Holly said...

LMAO! I'm TOTALLY sniggering about you falling on your ass. HAHAHHAHAHA! I love you tons and tons and this totally falls in the "point and laugh" category. *snerk*


As for MP, meh. I say bitch slap her. :)

Aww, you've been wearing makeup? And you got a pedi? AND you've been wearing your contacts? Does this have anything to do with the new hottie security guard? LOL

Sunshine said...

Isabel I think your right but somedays I wish they'd be to pissed to bitch!

It was pretty funny like I said we were laughing so hard we were crying.
No the make up & stuff is not cuz of the sg he is cute but not the kind you'd go all girly for hes just about the ONLY good looking guy in the hospital. ( I AM married member happily I might add thanks however not dead and can still look at the menu) The make up happened cuz we had a mary k party and the contacts cuz the make up looks better with contacts. The pedi was something I though would be fun HOW nieve of me. I don't think I'll do it again I may just let honey paint them for me again. Or do it myself which is no fun!

Holly said...

You don't like Pedi's? or are you just salty that you had to listen to WP bitch the entire time?

Sunshine said...

I AM salty about having to listen to MP bitch however I like to walk around without shoes on too much to have pedis The lady was whinning at me about being bare footed cuz she'd just make my feet pretty. well I REALLY like to walk around with no shoes ON I did like the foot massage part and the get your toe nails painted part. Ok maybe I'll try it once more but at a dif place that way she'll never know! hehe

Holly said...

LMAO! I like walking around w/o shoes, too. But I just pretend like I can't understand the girl when she starts bitching about how my feet look. Of course, that's easy to do because they're all Asian. LOL