Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 14: A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions.

Day 14: A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions.

Seriously these things are AMAZING I feel guilty for eating them they aer soooooo good the dough is just right they smell just like fresh bread.. they are and they are at the hospital ohhh they are so yummy.

10 confession

1. I have a serious addiction to carbs please refer to above pic. I would eat them here or there I would eat them any where I would eat them in a house with a mouse. .. Yeah you get the idea.

2. I hate it when people say they will call you back and don't... am glad I never hold my breath.

3. I like rap music and in my house this is sometimes the sin of all sins Hubby HATES it.

4. Hate having to go to the grocery store after I already get home!!! GRRRR

5. I get nervous around guys even though I'm married and love my husband I still feel like I shouldn't talk to them cuz I'm not cute or pretty enough.(this does not include my hubby or Friends)

6.The smell of perfumes will sometimes send me running for a bathroom if its to strong.

7. It drives me NUTS to listen to people chew. SO badly so I just want to smack the shit out of them!! The girl I work with is doing this RIGHT NOW and I'd like to beat the shit out of her!!

8. I have a nose ring.

9. I'm not sure I want to b e a nurse and yet I'm going back to school to be one!

10.I'm scared HALF OUT OF MY MIND about going back to school!!