Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Picture of tree I did not acquire the awesomeness I still have a lot to learn about the camera bare with me.

Took the day off tomorrow so I could go to bingo for books and was excited because I'd have the day to myself and could get some things around the house done! Honey has the day off too. I am soooo bummed I know that's not very nice of me but really I don't get a lot of time to my self the house is full in the morning and everyone is home after I get off work so I was kinda looking forward to getting all sorts of stuff done like the laundry and clean the kitchen and WATCH WHAT EVER I WANT but no now I have to watch what he wants and just BLAH OK done pouting (well not really but) I'll let it go I know it sounds weird but really I get a lot more done when hes not home.


M said...

Girl, I am SO with you. MM called in sick to work one day last week and I almost cried. LOL Yes, I adore him, but I adore my alone time, too.

Sunshine said...

I TOTALLY wanted ot cry too!!!! I did get a few hours off this am so that was nice :)

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