Friday, May 4, 2007

Going crazy 2

Ok so rememer eairler when I told you I was going crazy? we got everything figured out picked a date and activities. Now I'm excited and nervous at the same time! I want to see all these people (well not all of them but I do want to see the friends that I've gotten out of touch with).but I'll be quite honest some well ok A LOT of them intimidate me( not my friends the others). Just cuz I think they are better than me I'm not sure why, I have a great job and an amazing family and great friends. Why should I fell like any less of a person?

I'm kinda a quiet person till you get to know me then usually you can't get me to shut up! I have more self confidence now than I did when i was in school. I usually get along with just about everyone.

What are your thoughts on this?
Please let me know


Anonymous said...

Ahh, baby girl. There's no reason to be intimidated. Most of them are in the exact same situation you are.

And babe, they didn't matter in HS and they don't matter now. Sure, it's hard sometimes to see people you were a bit scared of in HS, but it's been a long time, and why would you care what they think of you? You're an amazing person and if they don't see that they can just jump in the creek. :)

Or I could punch them for you. I bet this ring would leave a pretty nice mark. LOL

Love you!

Sunshine said...

Holly you always know how to make me feel better
Thanks. *Sniffle*