My family and I are all sitting aroung the T.V. last night watching Kung Fo Panda. Good movie my youngest son. (Hes three) Is still in the stage where if he has to potty he feels as though he must share with the rest of us.
The monster" I have to PEEE "
my husband" will go then goofey"
the monster proceeds to run into the bathroom......
a few minutes later he comes running out screaming
The monster: "MOMMY MOMMY" (mind you were are all still watching kung fo panda)
Me: :"what what" thinking he some how managed to destroy the bathroom in the three minutes he was in there.
The monster: "I got you somting. I got you somting Here a pony holder put it in your hair.
so I grab it and proceed to....
Then my lovely son says" I got it out of the toilet" like he had saved my pony tail holder from the worst fate possible. He was SO proud of himself . not for the same reason you are all laughing(yes it's prob still in my hand at the time) but because he gave me a gift he was sure I would love, I told him thank you and proceeded to laugh so hard(along with my husband and daughter) I almost peed my pants
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Here mom
Posted by Sunshine at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!!
Happy Halloween all! I must say I'm pouting because while my family is at home getting reading to do the whole halloween thing I am still at work. yuck! I love halloween and want to be home. I asked my boss if I could leave early and she said "yes as long as you cleared it with the other departments." called Rt and some one already went home early so I GET :P to stay Yay!
We went to a few haunted houses this year 3 to be exact. They were pretty good and maybe next year I'll actually look instead of hiding in my hubbys coat! They had the chain saw guys out front chasing you around. One of the scariest (little back ground first) one house was in a really not so great part of town I'm kinda being nice when I say that theres all these tall buildings and the across the street is this old house IE:: the haunted house.( third picture) while the lines go across the street and down to the end of the building or in other words if you where walking it across the street and then down the block till you came to the next set of cross walks. they block of part of the road and have porta pottys set up 3 or 4 of them. They all so have alsor of freaky people running around trying to scare you..... creepy bald guy with blood running down face and a chainsaw the SOUNDS like it worked REALLY well. some scary long haired lady dressed only in white with a big nose. All of a sudden you see the big guy with the chain saw jog over to the porta potties (saw a couple girls go in there about 30 sec ago) he starts banging on the doors and reving the chainsaw. The girls inside are screaming bloody murder and the entire crowd is is just staring. I think I prob would've peed my pants if I were them and hadn't made it that far yet. My daughter would not even THINK about using the porta potties after that. Hey thanks you all got me through my last hour unharmed and calm. you are all wonderful.!!!!!
Happy Halloween
Posted by Sunshine at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
cake wrecks
I've added Cake wrecks to my blog roll I love this place! Stole it from Izzy Thanks Izzy. I must say I've had a few cake wrecks in my life quite a few. So here are few for you to decide which are wrecks and wich are ok. The first one is with out a doubt the most horrid thing I've ever done!!! and I HATE it but non the less I'm gonna share it with you.
Just fyi my mom was a cake decorator for the better part of my life. She was/is Really good at it and made all of our cakes when we were kids and did quite of few of my friends wedding/graduation cakes and bdays as well. So when she was done she gave me most of her stuff. Don't get me wrong she still borrows stuff every now and again to do a wedding or bday cake but for the most part shes retired from cake decorating. LOL
So on with the cakes let me know what u think and be HONEST or it will never get better.
This first one was for my bestfriends wedding I know its a damn shame I fckn hate this cake!!!

This is one of my favorites. My first tractor.

Posted by Sunshine at 8:43 AM 2 comments
I swear this sign is just out side the badlands in South Dakota. I mean the plague seriously! Personaly I think it's a ploy so you don't get out and take rock or fossils. LOL
Posted by Sunshine at 8:18 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Playing catch up!
Ok a lot has happened since I've been here. I finally passed my test at the bottom there is a sample test. It sucked and I'm glad it's over! At this time I am not doing the job I passed the test for which is just fine with me. Not really but thats how life works. beings that I wasn't on call as much this summer we were able to do A LOT of stuff we went camping more than once! I was able to do volleyball every Thursday. We went to South Dakota and I took time off while I had family over. To be honest my life has been a lot of fun with out all the call but I do miss the job.I have BEEN ABLE TO READ!!!!!!!! this excites me to no end. When I was studying I made my self promise not to read ANYTHING for enjoyment till I had passed my test. I have read Janet Evanovich series Stephine Plum and loved it I just have the last one to go and will wait till it comes out on paper back. I have also read quite a few others. It's very exciting to be able to read again and not feel guilty about it.
The monster turned 3 this month and is still fitting to his name. LOL
My daughter is playing football this season. I must say I'm quite proud of her for this she sees something she wants and goes for it! Shes not great at it but she likes to play and has a good time. She also does Taekwando. So her nights are busy which is good. There for a while she was lying a lot and getting into her fair share of trouble. I didn't know what to do but hopefully that's over for a while.We had a long talk and I hope she makes the right decisions in life! Thats all I got for know will update sooner next time.
Posted by Sunshine at 6:47 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Ok Holly wanted me to update and this is what I came up with this kid is SO cute made me crack up.
korean baby singing hey jude
Posted by Sunshine at 7:05 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
2nd test
My second test is on Saturday. I'm scared shit less and instead of studying I'm here telling you about it. I have been studying non stop for the last 2 weeks and I feel like my brain is just mush now. Like it won't hold any more info about cardiac crap if my life depended on it(thankfully it doesn't just my job for the next 45 days!) I keep taking practice test and usually end up getting a grade between 60 and 80 (have to have a 70 to pass)so I guess my chances are 50/50 to pass but I tell ya I'm about to die.Anybody have any great last minute study tips?
Posted by Sunshine at 7:26 PM 1 comments